Are you a current tenant looking for information about your community, your obligations, or additional services?
Interested in an OCH home? Browse our communities, learn about our housing, and whether it could be the right fit for you.
Do you want to learn more about our organization, ongoing projects or how we are working towards sustainability?
Ottawa Community Housing (OCH) offers approximately 15,000 homes to about 33,000 tenants, including seniors, families, individuals, and people with disabilities. These homes are located in various communities throughout Ottawa and house a diverse population with different languages, cultures, and ethnicities.
As a leading provider of quality, community and affordable housing, our teams go above and beyond for our tenants, fostering healthy, thriving communities.
Our four strategic priorities drive every aspect of our work.
Build new affordable homes
Preserve safe and quality homes
Greener buildings
Improve client experience
Safe communities
Community wellbeing
Successful tenancies
Partner satisfaction
Employee engagement
Diversify and secure sustainable funding
Operational efficiency
Technology and data use