(1) This Part sets minimum standards that apply to the employment of employees which cannot be displaced, even if an enterprise agreement includes terms of the kind referred to in subsection 55(5).
Note: Subsection 55(5) allows enterprise agreements to include terms that have the same (or substantially the same) effect as provisions of the National Employment Standards.
(2) The minimum standards relate to the following matters:
(a) maximum weekly hours (Division 3);
(b) requests for flexible working arrangements (Division 4);
(ba) casual employment (Division 4A);
(c) parental leave and related entitlements (Division 5);
(d) annual leave (Division 6);
(e) personal/carer's leave, compassionate leave and paid family and domestic violence leave (Division 7);
(f) community service leave (Division 8);
(g) long service leave (Division 9);
(ha) superannuation contributions (Division 10A);
(i) notice of termination and redundancy pay (Division 11);
(3) Divisions 3 to 12 constitute the National Employment Standards .