Mercedes benz service manual library


I have created these files to make it easier to navigate around your Mercedes-Benz Model Service Manual Library CD manuals. Currently the Model 107, Model 114/115, Model 116, Model 123, Model 124 and Model 126 Index files are completed. The Model 108/109/110/112 and the Model 201 Index Files are also set up to link directly to the CD's interface.

How to Use

Download the particular Model index that you are interested in from the list on the right side of the download page. If you have more than one Model or you want the Time Labor Guide and Approved Service Products lists, also download the Service Library file.

These files are simple to install. You won't have to move and rearrange any of the PDF files; you just copy your CDs to your HD (explained below) and leave them as is. Add the Model(s) Index file and one folder and that's it. Takes about two minutes to setup. Because no PDF files are rearranged, you can continue to use the MB-provided indexing system at the same time, if you so desire.

Note: These Index files were set up using the Mercedes-Benz Service Manual disks. If you don't have the MB Service Library CDs, they are available from various places, including MBUSA, 1-800-FOR-MERCEDES (most for US$20).

To avoid any confusion. these are just html INDEX files (or maybe you would call them Table of Contents files). You have to have the Mercedes-Benz Service Library CDs from which to take the PDF files and put in your hard drive. All I've done is made it easier to access those files.


MS Internet Explorer for the PC has a bug that may not allow the proper linking to a specific page of a PDF files when linked from a pulldown menu. We suggest that you use Netscape or FireFox for proper operation. The Mac version of Adobe Reader 8 also displays this problem; version 7 does not.

Model W12x Installation Instructions

It's pretty simple. Using the Model 126 as an example, here is what you must do:

To run, just open the "Main.html" file in your browser. You can bookmark this page as your starting point.

So now with this, you can use my Index system OR the MB html/flash files.

Service Library Installation Instructions

If you have more than one set of Model Index sets, you can use the "Service Library" set as sort of a 'top collector' of the other Model Index files as they become available. This will allow access to ALL of your Service Library Models from one location. It also contains the factory Approved Service Products list and the MB Time Labor Guide.

To install, first install your separate Model Indexes per the instructions detailed above. Then, you simply download and unzip the Service file. Drag the individual Model Index folders (eg, "W124", "W126", etc) that you have previously installed and have added the appropriate CD files to, per above instructions, into the Service folder. There will be dummy folders already there, so just say 'replace' when you copy. That's it!

Please let me know if you are having trouble making it work. I hope that you all find the Index an improvement to the CD experience and I also hope that you will let me know if/when you get it to work. Also, if you have any questions or suggestions for improvement, please let me know - constructive criticism is welcome and will never hurt my feelings! ;-)

Steve Nervig (sportline.300CE at mac dot com)

Download and expand the ZIP file, Model (for instance).
It will uncompress into a folder named "W126". Inside of "W126" will be my main index file, named "Main.html" and a folder named "Index" which contains all of the rest of my stuff. Also in "W126" are two empty folders named "w126CD1" and "w126CD2".

Insert your CD disk 1 into your computer.
From your CD disk 1, you will find a folder named "Program". Drag this "Program" folder on the CD 1 into the "w126CD1" folder on your hard drive.

After all the files have copied, Eject CD disk 1.

Insert your CD disk 2 into your computer (if there is a disk 2).
From your CD disk 2, you will also find another folder named "Program". Drag this "Program" folder on the CD 2 into the "w126CD2" folder on your hard drive.

After all files have copied, Eject CD disk 2.

Move the "W126" folder to wherever you want on your HD.
This could be your Documents folder, for example. Don't move any files around inside the W126 folder unless you know what you are doing. You could break links.

That's all that there is to it. So now the set up should be:
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Disclaimer: Please recognize that the words MB, Mercedes and Mercedes-Benz, the three pointed star and various model numbers are registered trademarks of Daimler AG. These terms are used for identification purposes only.
I am not affiliated in any way with Daimler AG, Mercedes-Benz USA, or any of their subsidiaries.

This page, all of its subpages, and all downloadable files therein
are � Copyright 2003-2012 by Steve Nervig. All Rights Reserved.